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THC Nano Powder™ and THC Nano Vape™ Pack
⏱️ Get a supply of both products for a special price.
This pack includes 3 THC Nano Vape™ rechargeable/disposable pens (3 mL each) and 1 gram of THC Nano Powder™ for a special price.
THC Nanotechnology is the production of THC products via nanoemulsion, a process in which one substance is dispersed into another. In this process, THC particles are reduced in size (nanoscopic) and emulsified, which means the nanoscopic THC molecules are completely surrounded with nanoscopic water molecules. This allows the THC particles to be easily mixed with water or any other drink, food, or directly consumed. The outcome is a form of water-soluble THC that is rapidly and more efficiently absorbed into the body, making it more potent.
Traditional THC consumption requires smoking or passing through the digestive tract to the liver, where THC is metabolized. When eaten in food or in drinks, i can take well over an hour to feel the effects of metabolizing THC. Conventional THC is fat-soluble, requiring fatty foods typically diffused with butter. So, if you’ve just had a large meal or you have a slower metabolism, getting high from cannabis edibles can take even longer. With smoking cannabis, the pungent smell, ashes, and pipes or tools used in the process presents their own set problems, inconveniences, or annoyances.
Delayed onset, low potency, and not knowing what to expect are eliminated via THC Nanotech™ because nanoemulsions can drop the onset time for THC to under 5 minutes and deliver a superior high. This is because nano-sized droplets can penetrate the mouth, tongue, throat, and stomach and and go directly into the bloodstream. THC Nanotech™ products are as potent as reality will allow. Our products produce a superior experience, beyond the physical limits of conventional THC consumption.
Brain fog, loss of memory, increased appetite, loss of coordination, are eliminated or minimized but being “stoned out your freaking mind” is a high possibility because of the purity of the THC in nanoemulsified form and the way in which it is delivered into the body. So, we highly suggest consuming THC Nanotech™ products in the recommended dosage… but we know that what you choose to do with your mind and body is your autonomy and that is to be respected. Get as high as you want, whenever you want, with THC Nanotech™ products.
THC Nanotech™ is the exclusive purveyor of the world’s finest Nanoemulsified THC Products.